.Most of you will be reading this from the safety and shelter of your own homes. Some of you will browse this post between sanitization sessions or well-earned lunch breaks as you are on the front lines of this fight against the most deadly pandemic of our time. Undoubtedly, we’ve all been affected by COVID-19. From job loss, to uncertainty about the health of loved ones, to shortages in necessities such as paper goods, protective equipment, and even water, we’re all feeling the far-reaching impact of this deadly virus.
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all, things are going to get much worse before they get better. Many of us may suffer the loss of a loved one or several. If we’re fortunate enough to escape this crisis intact, we’ll undoubtedly be impacted by the impending collapse of our economy as we know it. But hear me when I say this is not the end of the world, and this too shall pass.
As a small, minority-owned, non-essential business, sixnineteen has taken a hit, as have many of our colleagues and fellow small businesses. But we’re not closing our doors just yet. Instead, we’re shifting our focus onto doing what we can to help keep you and your loved ones a little safer the only way we know how— stylishly and with substance.
As masks and personal protective equipment remain in short supply globally, all restocked inventory is being intercepted by our government and directed to the highest-need facilities like hospitals and health clinics. It has been discovered that droplets can remain in the air and infect you simply through conversation, an exhale, or even walking through lingering droplets before they fall to the ground. Touching contaminated surfaces and then touching your face also lead to infection, so on April 2, 2020, the CDC advised all Americans to wear cloth masks and coverings whenever they have to go out in public or be around other people, even while maintaining 6 feet of personal space. Only n95 masks (most breathable and effective) and HEPA filters (less breathable, but effective) have been proven to dramatically impede the virus, but because the virus is transmitted through droplets, something is better than nothing (yes, that’s where we find ourselves now).
Of course, the best thing you can do, as often and as long as possible, is stay home, rest, sanitize surfaces, handles, shoes, and exposed clothing regularly, wash your hands with a foaming antibacterial soap thoroughly and regularly, and pray for every first responder, essential worker, our leaders, and of course, your family and yourself as we fight against this virus and work to flatten the curve. Here, at sixnineteen headquarters, we’re shifting our focus to provide items we hope will help you feel safer while also putting a smile on your face, even if it’s shielded under a mask.
luxe damask face mask and shield$25.00
safari face mask and shield$25.00
heritage ink face mask and shield$25.00
We’ve designed convertible face masks and shields to add an extra layer of protection as advised by the CDC and even mandated in certain states. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you cover your face with as most fabrics are much less effective and breathable than the n95 masks that are currently unavailable to most of us. However, since the virus is transmitted through droplets, any absorbing fabric will help reduce the number of droplets that you transmit and that can be transmitted to you. Please be advised, our convertible masks are in no way intended to serve as approved personal protective equipment (ppe) unless clearly stated. We suggest you purchase at least two so you can rotate between them, washing one when you are wearing the other in order to keep them sanitized and clean. We’re even seeing some of our customers wear them over face masks or pin thicker, breathable filter paper inside their convertible shields. Figure out what works best for you and remain vigilant. And if you are fortunate enough to be in a position to, why not purchase one for a friend or loved one, too?
We’ve lowered the cost of our face masks and shields in an effort to get them to as many of you as possible, diminishing our profits nearly completely. If you are still unable to afford a mask, message us privately. We’ll do our best to find a way to get you one or direct you to resources that may be able to help you for as long as we can.
I encourage you to stay apprised of pertinent updates as they change, near-daily, but be sure to make your own mental and emotional health a priority. We’ve created a simple list of thought-starters to help you get through this trying time.
How to Stay Sane In This COVID-19 Crisis
- make your bed every morning
- let in as much natural sunlight as possible throughout your home
- log off of social media from time to time
- phone or facetime a grandparent or a friend in isolation
- check on your loved ones who are home caring for children
- get as much sunshine as you can on a daily basis
- move your body daily
- turn off your electronics and read a book or three
- journal or blog about your experience (it could help someone later)
- learn to cultivate an herb or vegetable garden with your kids
- start a virtual puzzle challenge
- bake something delicious
- take your significant other out for a romantic, moonlit picnic in the backyard
- stop forcing yourself to be productive when your body needs rest
- speak with your doctor about taking Vitamin C, Zinc, elderberry, and a probiotic, daily
- eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as available
- speak with your doctor about stocking the cabinet with a strong decongestant, Tylenol (if it’s safe for you to take it) or Paracetemol, a strong cough medicine, a thermometer (preferably contactless), and alkaline water or electrolytes, just incase
- speak with your doctor, and then discuss your self-isolation plan with your family, just incase
- check-in with yourself and send love to those who may need it
If you, or someone you care about, feel overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others:
Call 911
Visit the Disaster Distress Helpline or call 1-800-985-5990 and TTY 1-800-846-8517
Or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746
Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Stress & Coping
We’ll keep our virtual doors open for as long as we can, and you can always support us or any other small business with your purchases, your shares, and your encouragement. I know we’ll get through this, together, even though we’re apart. Again, this, too, shall pass.
God bless you,